Data Platform | Description |
EuroStat | Country level statistics for EU countries. |
Open power system data | A free-of-charge data platform dedicated to electricity system researchers. |
ENTSO-E Transparency Platform | The platform contains electricity generation, transportation, consumption data and information for the pan-European market. (Registration (free) needed for downloads.) |
Global Wind Atlas | High-resolution GIS data on wind power. |
Global Solar Atlas | High-resolution GIS data on solar power. |
EUTL | Detailed transaction data for all establishments under the EU emissions trading system (EU-ETS). Include all phases of the EU-ETS. |
Global power plants database | A comprehensive, open-source database of power plants around the world. |
China Emission Accounts & Datasets (CEADS) | CEADs provides the latest Energy and CO2 emission inventories for China and its 30 provinces and cities |
China city-level emission-socioeconomic inventory, 2010 | This data includes emissions inventories for 182 Chinese cities. The inventories are constructed using 17 fossil fuels and 47 socioeconomic sectors. These city-level emissions inventories have a scope and format consistent with China’s national/provincial inventories. Some socioeconomic data of the cities, such as GDP, population, industrial structures, are included in the datasets as well. |
China Power Industry Data | Monthly electricity consumption and capacity data in China from 2010 onwards. |